I'm a currently beginner indie game developer, and semi-animator due to using MikuMikuDance. A Backstage worker who sets up and tears down sets before and after theater shows. I'm also a gamer. Yes I live with my parents currently, but I mostly don't have a care in the world about that situation at the moment, though it's beginning to seem more lively lately.

Steam User Name: Durami (was KDC705, youtube channel named KDC705 still though), you may want to search kdc017 or my e-mail address to find me, or look in the rpgmaker.net Steam group.




Pikachu 2127's Screen View is just a stamp on my Screenshot program. Ignore that.

Need save point

I need a save point.

Do you know where A Save point Charset is? ???

Ninja tonto: Corazones de Reino 4

Oh! And by the way, I'm not going to translate the Items. So it's part english. I'm also not doing the skills to Spanish Either.

Silly Ninja: Kingdom Hearts 3 In Japanese

Never mind it's cancelled


How did you get that on there?


Nice. Try to put a head in that black spot.


Nice world map

Kingdom Hearts - Clouded Visions

Nice theme!


When will it be here to download?


It's just a char set. Save as a PNG.